
esball国际平台客户端的物理学博士学位为您提供培训和资源,使您成为专业子领域的独立学者. 通过这个项目, you will apply advanced knowledge in core areas of classical mechanics, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics to uncover out-of-the-box solutions. 您将获得的理论基础进行实验调查与高度的专业知识. By the time you graduate, you will be ready to lead research teams in academia or industry. 


物理学博士学位提供严格的研究训练和复杂的课程,旨在挑战你对该领域的理解. 您将能够从不同的专业领域进行选择,以加深您的专业知识,并通过与校园内的教师和同龄人的跨学科工作来解决更广泛的问题.

One of the hallmarks of our department is the personalized attention we offer students. We keep our class sizes small, encouraging collaboration and solutions that require teamwork. Your research advisor will provide comprehensive guidance, and you will further benefit from a friendly and open relationship with other faculty members. We value your input and ideas and treat you as a fellow scholar.

Despite our size, we offer the resources of a much larger university. 您将有机会进入最先进的研究中心,并有机会参与由多元化专家团队领导的创新项目. 你也将获得宝贵的教学经验,通过与本科生工作作为助教或其他能力. 


The 物理学博士 consists of a minimum of 90 credit hours. 这些学分中至少有六个应该在系外学习,其中至少有六个应该专门用于研讨会.

在两年内完成全日制学习, 如果你是兼职学生,66个学分, 你将参加规定的综合考试. The topics covered in the exam include classical mechanics, 电与磁, 光学, 热物理, 量子力学与现代物理学(相对论), 核能和固态).

As for specializations, you can develop one from the following areas:

  • 生物物理学 
  • 化学机械刨平 
  • 计算物理学 
  • 物理教育 


  • 本科以外至少90个学分. Minimum 3 academic years’ full-time graduate study (or the part-time equivalent); 2 years in residence at Clarkson. A four-part Physics Survey Test is used to determine initial coursework.  A maximum of 30 credits (with B or higher grade) can be transferred from an MS degree. 课程作业-不少于33学分, including at least 6 credits taken outside the department and at least 6 credits of seminar. 每学期前完成78个学分, full-time students in residence at Clarkson must successfully complete PH683 or PH684. 每年最大学时为30(秋季为12), 12 in spring and 6 in summer; or, 秋季15个,春季15个). 只接受500门以上的课程.
  • Full-time student status: 9 credits per semester until <9 credits remain to complete 90 credits. 修满90学分后, students will register for 1 credit hour of project/thesis, 住在家里, and be actively engaged full-time in completing the project/thesis.


  • 最低平均成绩为B, and at least a B grade in each of the core courses (PH661, PH663, PH664, PH670 and PH669); The requirement for PH664 and PH670 can be fulfilled any time during the study, 学生的指导老师可以批准用学生所选研究领域的其他高级esball国际app课程代替这两门课程.
  • 取得令人满意的学位进展. 在每学期结束时,由物理esball国际app委员会主席与学生的导师合作评估学术进展.
  • 平均成绩低于3分的学生.000人将受到学术警告处分. These students will return to academic good standing if their GPA is 3.在他们的下一学期结束时,他们将获得1000万或更高的奖金.
  • 学生必须选择一个论文题目,并分配给研究顾问不迟于esball国际app学习的第二学期. The Physics Chair approves the appointment of a research advisor. 主要由物理系以外的教师指导的研究项目需要由物理主席指定的物理联合顾问.
  • 在进入博士课程后的两年内,需要完成综合考试, 非全日制学生, 完成66学分前. If the comprehensive exam is failed twice, the student will be dropped.
  • 物理综合考试分为两个部分, 每部片长4小时, usually given during the first two weeks of each spring semester. 专题报道是基于那些在esball国际平台客户端提供的高级本科物理课程, 包括:第一部分:经典力学, 电 & 磁性, Optics; Part II: Thermal Physics, 量子力学, 现代物理学(相对论), 核, 固态).
  • 在第三年学习结束时, 撰写博士研究计划,并在至少5人组成的论文委员会前答辩博士课题. 提案必须在答辩前至少10个工作日提交给论文委员会. 该考试应证明论文主题具有博士质量,并且学生的背景足以开展拟议的研究. A unanimous decision of the committee is required for passing. 论文委员会(由学生指导老师选出,经物理系主任和A学院院长批准)&S)应包括不少于4名esball国际平台客户端教师(至少3名来自物理学)助理教授级别或更高,并拥有博士学位. At least one member must be from a department other than physics. 得到教务长的同意, 论文委员会可以包括一名具有其他大学或行业适当证书的外部考官.
  • 博士期末考试包括在论文委员会前对博士论文进行口头答辩. The exam committee must receive thesis copies at least 10 working days before the oral defense.
  • 典型的课程长度为5年. 博士学位的所有工作必须在通过物理综合考试后的7年内完成.
  • For additional information about University Requirements, students should consult esball国际平台客户端’s current Graduate Regulations and Graduate Catalog.


After completing the Physics PhD Program at esball国际平台客户端, students will be able to:

  • Make use of advanced knowledge acquired from core areas of Classical Mechanics, 电磁学和量子力学.
  • 制定研究计划,并在他们的技术专长领域进行实验/理论/计算调查.
  • Take part in collaborative projects involving diverse teams of participants.
  • Analyze, interpret and effectively communicate results of research topics both orally (e,g.(如会议报告)和书面形式(如.g.,在技术报告和期刊出版物).
  • 熟悉当前专业领域的文献和实践,并对科学和伦理责任有大致的了解.
  • Develop investigative plans, carry out research projects and mentor students/trainees. 

我们的教师在物理学和跨学科项目方面进行创新研究,帮助提高我们对世界的理解. 作为一名学生, 你将受益于他们的指导,并在一个合作和鼓励的环境中与他们密切合作. Learn more about their experience and areas of specialization.


The major areas of emphasis in our department include:

  • 天体物理学 
  • 生物与纳米技术
  • 生物物理学 
  • 扩散
  • 能量储存 
  • 材料物理
  • 纳米系统 
  • 纳米技术 
  • 网络理论 
  • 物理教育
  • 软物质与高分子物理 

作为一名学生,你可以进入esball国际平台客户端 中心 比如雷诺天文台, 物理团队设计实验室, 材料电分析表征实验室和计算实验室. 


  • 网上申请表格.
  • 的简历.
  • 目的陈述书.
  • 三封推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • GRE考试成绩.
    • 一般GRE是必需的.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
    • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5) PTE(56分)或Duolingo英语测试(115分).
    • The English language-testing requirement is not waived based on language of instruction, 我们也不接受大学证书. 如果申请人在英语为母语的国家获得学位,则免除英语测试. 点击这里 看看这些国家的名单.

先决条件: Applicants must have a BS or equivalent degree in physics or a closely related subject. 申请人的累积平均绩点应为3分.在申请时为0或更高. 此外, applicants should have achieved a grade of "B+" or better in all physics and math subjects taken.


  • 建议GRE成绩至少为319分(最低口头成绩为156分,最低定量成绩为163分).
  • GRE Physics Subject Test scores are not required but are recommended.
  • International applicants should have a minimum score of 26 in each section of the TOEFL, 7.0 on each band of the IELTS (with a minimum Speaking band of 7.5)或同等水平的PTE或Duolingo英语考试成绩.

有兴趣攻读博士学位的硕士学生将被要求参加物理系提供的分班考试. 这是每年8月提供. 这一点, 除了之前的学习成绩, 出版刊物及教学表现, will be considered prior to formal admittance into the PhD program.

Most current graduate students are supported by Teaching Assistantships or 研究 Assistantships. 一个完整的预约包括30个学分的学费,并提供一笔津贴,用于支付估计的生活费用. 与部门员工和/或项目协调员直接讨论机会和如何申请.

We host a variety of seminars and lectures throughout the year with visiting professors, industry leaders and other professionals widely recognized in the field.

The program is held on our main campus in Potsdam, New York. Many of our full-time, research-based master's and PhD programs are housed here, as well. You will be in close proximity to research facilities, onsite laboratories and other resources.



esball国际平台客户端的博士课程为进入学术界提供了严格的培训和大量的研究经验. With your degree, you can apply to professorships and positions in prestigious research 中心.

你也将带着对科技行业雇主有吸引力的技能毕业. 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for physicists is 预计增长更快 比未来十年的平均水平还要高.

The degree can open doors in the following industries and facilities:

  • 学术界
  • 政府
  • 天文台
  • 私营企业
  • 研究实验室


Recent Clarkson 物理学博士 graduates have been employed by companies such as:

  • 应用材料
  • 英特尔公司
  • 全球铸造厂
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • 美光科技



电子邮件: graduate@ballooncircus.net
电话: 518-631-9831

有兴趣了解更多esball国际平台客户端物理学博士的知识? Contact the Office of esball国际app招生 today with your questions.

了解更多esball国际平台客户端 物理系.



获得专业知识, esball国际平台客户端物理学博士学位,从事原创性研究,并有资格获得广泛的学术和行业机会.