
All accepted international students will be considered for a partial international scholarship at Clarkson. All admitted applicants are considered for merit-based International Scholarship. Separate applications are required for awards such as the Ignite Presidential Fellowship, # YouAreWelcomeHere奖学金, 及荣誉课程. 这些奖学金最高可达4万美元. 奖学金数额取决于学生的学习成绩. 对于一年级学生,这包括:中学GPA, 课程的严谨性, SAT和英语水平考试成绩, 以及推荐信. 转学生, 大学绩点, 课程的严谨性, 英语水平测试成绩, 推荐信也会被考虑. 国际奖学金在第一年后不会增加. Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress in order to maintain their international scholarship.

Clarkson does NOT offer need-based financial aid to international undergraduate students.

国际学生可以申请入读我校 荣誉项目. 这个项目有一个单独的申请流程. 还需要进行校内面试或电话面试. Students who are accepted into the 荣誉项目 receive a $2,000 per year scholarship. 这个项目的入学竞争非常激烈.


The Clarkson Ignite Presidential Fellowship program is a merit-based scholarship covering all tuition costs for 10 first-time students entering Clarkson for four years (eight semesters) of undergraduate study.


  • First, you must apply to esball国际平台客户端 for Early Decision OR Regular Decision.
  • Second, you must apply for the Clarkson Ignite Presidential Fellows program by February 15.

esball国际平台客户端现在提供额外的8美元,提前录取申请人可获得5000美元奖学金. 奖学金将在四年中平均分配(2美元),000 per year) and is exclusively offered to Early Decision admission applicants.


  • apply for admission to Clarkson via Early Decision no later than December 1
  • 成为一名新生申请者 
  • submit your Early Decision admission deposit within two weeks of receiving your financial aid notice (in extenuating circumstances the Admission Office may offer a short extension)

Federal, State, and Institutional 援助 is awarded on an annual basis. It is based on full time enrollment (12 credits per semester) in both the Fall and Spring semesters. 如果一个学生没有在一个学期注册, 奖学金将按一个学期的出勤率按比例发放, i.e. 年度奖励金额的一半. Students are not eligible to receive the annual total amount in one single semester.

Clarkson offers a $1000 scholarship to any student who has an official undergraduate admissions visit to our Potsdam, 纽约校区. 访问s must be completed no later than December 1st for Early Decision and February 15 for Regular Decision of the senior year of high school. 和大多数esball国际平台客户端奖学金一样, 该奖项每年可续期,为期四年,总金额为4美元,000. Each student will only receive one $1000 esball国际平台客户端访问奖学金, 不管他们完成了多少次正式的入学访问.


  • any personalized visit set up directly through the Undergraduate Admission Office
  • 为被录取的学生预先安排过夜的入学探访
  • Summer 访问 Day, Fall Open House, Spring Open House, Accepted Students Day
  • 团体参观校园(高中), 大学计划/访问程序, athletics) in which you have a pre-arranged on-campus admission interview or complete an interview following the visit via phone, 视频或校外面试 
  • Official Admission Virtual 访问s and Official Admission Virtual 事件 will count (until further notice)

Federal, State, and Institutional 援助 is awarded on an annual basis. It is based on full time enrollment (12 credits per semester) in both the Fall and Spring semesters. 如果一个学生没有在一个学期注册, 奖学金将按一个学期的出勤率按比例发放, i.e. 年度奖励金额的一半. Students are not eligible to receive the annual total amount in one single semester. 

The 荣誉项目 offers unique academic challenges and experiential learning opportunities to prepare esball国际平台客户端’s most promising students to lead fulfilling lives and to drive positive change in science, 技术, 和社会. Admission to the 荣誉项目 is highly competitive and requires a separate application. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端荣誉课程的申请流程.

Students interested in the 荣誉项目 must complete the 荣誉项目 application in addition to the regular admissions requirements for esball国际平台客户端. 荣誉的优先截止日期是2月1日. Early applications are welcome and will be reviewed as they are completed.


“You Are Welcome Here”奖学金

esball国际平台客户端 is one of 50+ colleges and universities nationwide that has joined the #YouAreWelcomeHere national scholarship program, pledging to create scholarships for international students to study in the U.S.

esball国际平台客户端将提供两年的年薪, renewable scholarships that cover at least of 50% of tuition to international undergraduates dedicated to furthering the #YouAreWelcomeHere message of bridging intercultural divides. 我们鼓励具有较强学术背景的学生申请!

如需进一步资料,请联络 科琳Thapalia.


Graduate students enrolled in master’s and PhD level programs may finance their education through a combination of university awards and student loans. 大学奖由每个esball国际app院颁发. 


The opportunity for graduate assistantships varies by program and should be discussed with the department staff and/or program coordinator directly.


我们鼓励你申请额外的奖学金. We will not reduce our scholarship/grant offer if you receive outside scholarships, unless the total amount of your scholarship money from all sources exceeds Clarkson's cost.

  • 雇主学费福利
  • 奖学金 from professional associations and foundations that provide funding for graduate study
  • Recommendations from your academic department based on your area of study
  • 有可能转学分或免除以前学习的课程




There are limited part-time positions available for international students on campus. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to secure on-campus employment. While there are some areas on campus that hire international students, 我们的餐饮服务供应商, 爱玛客, 似乎是找工作的最佳领域. 学生平均每周要工作8到10个小时. 工资是纽约州的最低工资. 根据F-1学生签证的条款, 国际学生每周可以在校园里工作20个小时.


Students in F-1 status are allowed 12 months of employment authorization after degree completion, with students graduating from STEM degrees authorized for two additional years. 获得所需的实践经验, current students may be eligible for internships and co-ops as well. Off-campus employment requires authorization under the regulations of the F-1 student visa. The International Center will assist students with necessary documentation.