Occupational Therapy Department

Occupational Therapy Department

我们的部门为您准备今天的世界,明天的挑战和未来的职业生涯. We help you master fundamental academic abilities, personal and social development, and the philosophical values of occupational therapy (OT).

Our programs emphasize the core philosophy of Clarkson University, with four components serving as common threads through multiple courses:

  • Learn to communicate effectively
  • 培养对工作和生活环境多样性的欣赏
  • Recognize the importance of personal, societal, and professional ethics
  • Understand how science and technology can be used to serve humanity.

Instead of asking, "What's the matter with you?" our occupational therapists ask, "What matters to you?"

生活是由“职业”组成的,我们发现有意义和有目的的日常活动. 职业因人而异,可能包括为人父母等角色, 我的一个朋友, 一个学生, 配偶, 一个运动员, 一个画家, a traveler and so on. 我们倾向于认为职业是理所当然的,直到我们遇到阻碍我们去做的挑战. 职业治疗师帮助人们重新从事他们所重视的职业.

What is the role of an occupational therapist?

Occupational therapists are holistic, 医疗保健专业人员谁已经学会了如何应用循证干预措施,以改善一个人的心理, 物理, emotional and social participation. They assist individuals in setting achievable goals; staying healthy, productive and independent and participating in everyday activities. 职业治疗师享受帮助人们充实生活的满足感!



How is the Occupational Therapy program at Clarkson unique?


  • 我们整合体验式学习,帮助学生发展内化的工作模式,在多元文化背景下实践职业治疗, innovative practice settings.
  • 我们拥有最先进的智能模拟实验室和辅助技术实验室, 两者都提供模拟生活体验和尖端技术. 在实验室之间, 我们可以模拟一个真实的生活空间,并结合高科技解决方案来应对日常挑战, such as low vision supports, adaptive driving equipment, 模拟器, assistive technology devices and environmental 控制.
  • 我们有一个强有力的科学为基础的课程,让学生深入了解人体解剖和课堂教学. 
  • 我们有一个强大的研究计划,为学生提供参与实践的机会, clinical research that holds promise of impacting clinical practice.
  • 我们与我们的工程同事合作,为社区的客户设计新产品.

The Occupational Therapy Department at Clarkson University in Potsdam, N.Y., 服务于社区的健康需求,为您准备工程的职业治疗解决方案,使健康和福祉贯穿个人的一生.

esball国际平台客户端职业治疗的“课程线索”代表了贯穿所有课程作业的主题. They reflect the values and priorities of our department, as well as the unique philosophy and mission our University.

  • Professional Identity - Students will value and assume an identity of service and contribution, 通过确定职业角色和业绩模式的障碍并为其提供支持,在多种情况下促进职业和参与.
  • 创新 - Students will develop the ability to meet the needs of local, 区域, and global society, including a focus on rural communities, through research and scholarship.
  • 技术 -学生将学习通过远程医疗等技术设计解决方案, assistive technology, and virtual contexts.
  • 教育 & 研究 -学生将通过科学驱动的实践和基于实践的证据的使用来发展解决问题的能力, with a focus on occupation as both intervention and outcome.
  • Interprofessional Practice -学生将表现出强大的领导能力和协作能力,因为他们承担了为客户和专业倡导和行动主义的角色.

每一个组成部分都在课程的早期介绍,并在随后的课程中得到加强. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of collaboration during the learning experience; since OT's do not work in isolation, we believe they should not learn in isolation either.

我们的设施 & 资源

我们的OT项目的学生受益于最先进的教育设施和专门用于esball国际app健康科学的实验室. 参加我们的360职业治疗虚拟360之旅,看看我们的学生在哪里学习.

View the OT Virtual 360 Tour

Assistive 技术

Assistive technology (AT) has been defined as any item, device or system, whether purchased, customized or fabricated, 这可以用来提高残疾人的功能能力.

AT solutions can range from low-tech (simple) to high-tech (complex), depending on the unique needs of the individual. 例如, one person might need to add foam to a pencil to make it easier to use, 而另一些人则需要专门的计算机系统来“写作”。.

What areas are addressed by AT?

  • 流动性 & community access
  • 沟通 & social participation
  • 教育 & 学者
  • Workplace modification
  • Supported employment
  • 娱乐
  • 自助
  • 就地老化
  • Environmental modifications & 控制

Learn about the occupational therapy lab

Occupational Therapy - ACOTE


esball国际平台客户端职业治疗硕士课程由美国职业治疗协会职业治疗教育认证委员会(ACOTE)认证.  ACOTE awarded the program a 7-year, full accreditation in August 2017. The next evaluation will be in 2023–2024.

ACOTE位于6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North Bethesda, MD 20852-4929. ACOTE's telephone number is 301-652-6611 x2914, email is accred@aota.org and its website is www.acoteonline.org.

esball国际平台客户端是由美国中部大学和学校协会高等教育委员会认证的大学, 街市街3624号., Philadelphia, PA 19104-2680, 215-662-5606. 除了, 该大学是由美国公务员委员会认可的, and its curricula are approved by the New York State Board of Regents.  职业治疗项目已由纽约州教育部注册.


该课程的毕业生将有资格参加职业治疗师国家认证考试, 由国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)管理. After successful completion of this exam, the graduate will be an occupational therapist, registered (OTR). 毕业于认可的课程是NBCOT认证的要求. It is also required for most states for licensing. 有关认证要求的更多信息,请参阅NBCOT网站 http://www.nbcot.org/. For more information on license requirements for New York State, see the New York State 教育 Department, Office of the Professions website at http://www.op.nysed.gov.  重罪定罪可能会影响毕业生参加NBCOT认证考试或获得州执照的能力.

国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)的项目结果可在以下网站找到 NBCOT Program Performance Data.

Data below is reflective of a calendar year.

毕业一年Students Entering/Graduating毕业率

* Indicates May graduate.


esball国际平台客户端职业治疗硕士项目在2021-2023三年间的毕业生总数为64人, with an overall graduation rate of 97%.